2021-02-21 13:15:02
Tracked by us since:
2022-11-17 14:36:03
10,000 +72
196 +16
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Total support rating
This project's support is in the top 0% of all projects.
2,619 projects have fewer supporters than it does.
Support growth rating
This project's support growth is in the top 2% of all projects.
2,555 projects grow at lower rate than it does.
Total comments rating
This project's comments number is in the top 8% of all projects.
2,419 projects have fewer comments than it does.
Days left rating
This project's days left number is in the lower 78% of all projects.
570 projects have fewer days left than it does.
Total votes and comments (last 30 days):
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Date Supporters Comments Days left
Date Supporters Comments Days left
2023-02-02 10000 (+16) 196 (+16) 79
2023-02-01 9984 (+72) 180 (+3) 80
2023-01-31 9912 (+89) 177 (+1) 81
2023-01-30 9823 (+309) 176 (+2) 82
2023-01-29 9514 (+176) 174 (+2) 83
2023-01-28 9338 (+341) 172 (+2) 84
2023-01-27 8997 (+16) 170 (+0) 85
2023-01-26 8981 (+16) 170 (+0) 86
2023-01-25 8965 (+30) 170 (+2) 87
2023-01-24 8935 (+29) 168 (+2) 88
2023-01-23 8906 (+68) 166 (+1) 89
2023-01-22 8838 (+249) 165 (+1) 90
2023-01-21 8589 (+238) 164 (+0) 91
2023-01-19 8351 (+19) 164 (+1) 93
2023-01-18 8332 (+19) 163 (+1) 94
2023-01-17 8313 (+26) 162 (+1) 95
2023-01-16 8287 (+27) 161 (+0) 96
2023-01-15 8260 (+706) 161 (+3) 97
2023-01-14 7554 (+46) 158 (+1) 98
2023-01-13 7508 (+17) 157 (+1) 99
2023-01-12 7491 (+10) 156 (+0) 100
2023-01-11 7481 (+19) 156 (+1) 101
2023-01-10 7462 (+47) 155 (+1) 102
2023-01-09 7415 (+26) 154 (+1) 103
2023-01-08 7389 (+24) 153 (+1) 104
2023-01-07 7365 (+19) 152 (+0) 105
2023-01-06 7346 (+13) 152 (+0) 106
2023-01-05 7333 (+11) 152 (+0) 107
2023-01-04 7322 (+23) 152 (+0) 108
2023-01-03 7299 (+15) 152 (+2) 109
2023-01-02 7284 (+12) 150 (+0) 110
2023-01-01 7272 (+7) 150 (+0) 111
2022-12-31 7265 (+13) 150 (+0) 112
2022-12-30 7252 (+17) 150 (+0) 113
2022-12-29 7235 (+17) 150 (+0) 114
2022-12-28 7218 (+17) 150 (+0) 115
2022-12-27 7201 (+7) 150 (+0) 116
2022-12-26 7194 (+7) 150 (+0) 117
2022-12-25 7187 (+5) 150 (+1) 118
2022-12-24 7182 (+5) 149 (+0) 119
2022-12-23 7177 (+5) 149 (+0) 120
2022-12-22 7172 (+8) 149 (+0) 121
2022-12-21 7164 (+4) 149 (+0) 122
2022-12-20 7160 (+5) 149 (+0) 123
2022-12-19 7155 (+4) 149 (+0) 124
2022-12-18 7151 (+12) 149 (+0) 125
2022-12-17 7139 (+8) 149 (+0) 126
2022-12-16 7131 (+51) 149 (+0) 127
2022-12-15 7080 (+53) 149 (+0) 128
2022-12-14 7027 (+4) 149 (+0) 129
2022-12-13 7023 (+8) 149 (+0) 130
2022-12-12 7015 (+13) 149 (+0) 131
2022-12-11 7002 (+8) 149 (+1) 132
2022-12-10 6994 (+5) 148 (+0) 133
2022-12-09 6989 (+5) 148 (+0) 134
2022-12-08 6984 (+3) 148 (+0) 135
2022-12-07 6981 (+9) 148 (+0) 136
2022-12-06 6972 (+7) 148 (+0) 137
2022-12-05 6965 (+7) 148 (+1) 138
2022-12-04 6958 (+9) 147 (+2) 139
2022-12-03 6949 (+10) 145 (+0) 140
2022-12-02 6939 (+4) 145 (+0) 141
2022-12-01 6935 (+12) 145 (+0) 142
2022-11-30 6923 (+8) 145 (+0) 143
2022-11-29 6915 (+17) 145 (+1) 144
2022-11-28 6898 (+37) 144 (+0) 145
2022-11-27 6861 (+16) 144 (+0) 146
2022-11-26 6845 (+8) 144 (+0) 147
2022-11-25 6837 (+10) 144 (+0) 148
2022-11-24 6827 (+4) 144 (+0) 149
2022-11-23 6823 (+6) 144 (+0) 150
2022-11-22 6817 (+5) 144 (+0) 151
2022-11-21 6812 (+15) 144 (+1) 152
2022-11-20 6797 (+8) 143 (+0) 153
2022-11-19 6789 (+17) 143 (+0) 154
2022-11-18 6772 (+10) 143 (+0) 155
2022-11-17 6762 143 156