2021-07-30 07:59:34
Tracked by us since:
2022-11-17 14:30:01
Staff pick:
10,000 (+96)
288 (+19)
Days left:
Project's age (days):
Lifetime average votes per day:
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Next milestone:
All milestones reached
Votes remaining to 10k votes goal:
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Today's votes compared to average:
See it on LEGO® Ideas
Total support rating
This project's support is in the top 2% of all projects.
2,606 projects have fewer supporters than it does.
Support growth rating
This project's support growth is in the top 6% of all projects.
2,500 projects grow at lower rate than it does.
Total comments rating
This project's comments number is in the top 5% of all projects.
2,528 projects have fewer comments than it does.
Days left rating
This project's days left number is in the top 47% of all projects.
1,392 projects have fewer days left than it does.
Total votes and comments (last 30 days)
Total votes by month
New votes per day (last 30 days)
Full data
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Date Supporters Comments Days left
2023-01-23 10000 (+39) 288 (+19) 248
2023-01-22 9961 (+96) 269 (+1) 249
2023-01-21 9865 (+72) 268 (+0) 250
2023-01-20 9793 (+79) 268 (+1) 251
2023-01-19 9714 (+35) 267 (+0) 252
2023-01-18 9679 (+46) 267 (+1) 253
2023-01-17 9633 (+62) 266 (+2) 254
2023-01-16 9571 (+34) 264 (+2) 255
2023-01-15 9537 (+57) 262 (+0) 256
2023-01-14 9480 (+37) 262 (+0) 257
2023-01-13 9443 (+47) 262 (+0) 258
2023-01-12 9396 (+36) 262 (+0) 259
2023-01-11 9360 (+39) 262 (+2) 260
2023-01-10 9321 (+34) 260 (+1) 261
2023-01-09 9287 (+21) 259 (+0) 262
2023-01-08 9266 (+54) 259 (+0) 263
2023-01-07 9212 (+36) 259 (+0) 264
2023-01-06 9176 (+45) 259 (+0) 265
2023-01-05 9131 (+45) 259 (+1) 266
2023-01-04 9086 (+70) 258 (+1) 267
2023-01-03 9016 (+61) 257 (+0) 268
2023-01-02 8955 (+32) 257 (+0) 269
2023-01-01 8923 (+25) 257 (+0) 270
2022-12-31 8898 (+15) 257 (+1) 271
2022-12-30 8883 (+33) 256 (+0) 272
2022-12-29 8850 (+28) 256 (+0) 273
2022-12-28 8822 (+37) 256 (+2) 274
2022-12-27 8785 (+18) 254 (+0) 275
2022-12-26 8767 (+15) 254 (+0) 276
2022-12-25 8752 (+19) 254 (+1) 277
2022-12-24 8733 (+20) 253 (+0) 278
2022-12-23 8713 (+13) 253 (+0) 279
2022-12-22 8700 (+16) 253 (+0) 280
2022-12-21 8684 (+13) 253 (+0) 281
2022-12-20 8671 (+15) 253 (+0) 282
2022-12-19 8656 (+7) 253 (+0) 283
2022-12-18 8649 (+13) 253 (+0) 284
2022-12-17 8636 (+16) 253 (+0) 285
2022-12-16 8620 (+11) 253 (+0) 286
2022-12-15 8609 (+12) 253 (+0) 287
2022-12-14 8597 (+8) 253 (+0) 288
2022-12-13 8589 (+23) 253 (+0) 289
2022-12-12 8566 (+16) 253 (+0) 290
2022-12-11 8550 (+17) 253 (+0) 291
2022-12-10 8533 (+19) 253 (+0) 292
2022-12-09 8514 (+18) 253 (+1) 293
2022-12-08 8496 (+19) 252 (+0) 294
2022-12-07 8477 (+14) 252 (+0) 295
2022-12-06 8463 (+19) 252 (+0) 296
2022-12-05 8444 (+12) 252 (+0) 297
2022-12-04 8432 (+14) 252 (+0) 298
2022-12-03 8418 (+13) 252 (+2) 299
2022-12-02 8405 (+9) 250 (+0) 300
2022-12-01 8396 (+32) 250 (+1) 301
2022-11-30 8364 (+23) 249 (+0) 302
2022-11-29 8341 (+37) 249 (+1) 303
2022-11-28 8304 (+16) 248 (+0) 304
2022-11-27 8288 (+11) 248 (+0) 305
2022-11-26 8277 (+10) 248 (+0) 306
2022-11-25 8267 (+17) 248 (+0) 307
2022-11-24 8250 (+14) 248 (+0) 308
2022-11-23 8236 (+8) 248 (+0) 309
2022-11-22 8228 (+10) 248 (+0) 310
2022-11-21 8218 (+22) 248 (+1) 311
2022-11-20 8196 (+11) 247 (+0) 312
2022-11-19 8185 (+14) 247 (+1) 313
2022-11-18 8171 (+10) 246 (+0) 314
2022-11-17 8161 246 315