LEGO Ideas project: THE MARTIAN
2021-11-12 06:15:49
Tracked by us since:
2022-11-17 14:25:51
Staff pick:
2,035 (+6)
170 (+3)
Days left:
Project's age (days):
Lifetime average votes per day:
Average votes per day since we track data:
Next milestone:
5k votes (+182 days)
Votes remaining to 10k votes goal:
Votes remaining to 5k votes goal:
Days needed to reach the next goal at current rate:
Votes per day needed to reach the next goal:
Today's votes compared to average:
See it on LEGO® Ideas
Total support rating
This project's support is in the top 16% of all projects.
2,221 projects have fewer supporters than it does.
Support growth rating
This project's support growth is in the lower 60% of all projects.
1,051 projects grow at lower rate than it does.
Total comments rating
This project's comments number is in the top 12% of all projects.
2,333 projects have fewer comments than it does.
Days left rating
This project's days left number is in the lower 62% of all projects.
990 projects have fewer days left than it does.
Given the voting rate of 1.82 votes per day since we're tracking this project and the lifetime voting rate of 2.27 votes per day, we predict:
Value Now In 7 days In 30 days In 3 months In 6 months In 1 year
Votes 2,035 2,051 2,102 2,240 2,444 2,853
Days left 162 155 132 71 0 0
Total votes and comments (last 30 days)
Total votes by month
New votes per day (last 30 days)
Full data
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Date Supporters Comments Days left
2023-01-30 2035 (+6) 170 (+3) 162
2023-01-29 2029 (+1) 167 (+0) 163
2023-01-28 2028 (+5) 167 (+0) 164
2023-01-27 2023 (+1) 167 (+1) 165
2023-01-26 2022 (+4) 166 (+0) 166
2023-01-25 2018 (+3) 166 (+1) 167
2023-01-24 2015 (+7) 165 (+1) 168
2023-01-23 2008 (+13) 164 (+3) 169
2023-01-22 1995 (+2) 161 (+0) 170
2023-01-21 1993 (+3) 161 (+0) 171
2023-01-19 1990 (+1) 161 (+0) 173
2023-01-18 1989 (+4) 161 (+0) 174
2023-01-17 1985 (+3) 161 (+0) 175
2023-01-16 1982 (+2) 161 (+0) 176
2023-01-15 1980 (+2) 161 (+0) 177
2023-01-14 1978 (+4) 161 (+0) 178
2023-01-13 1974 (+3) 161 (+0) 179
2023-01-12 1971 (+3) 161 (+0) 180
2023-01-11 1968 (+1) 161 (+0) 181
2023-01-10 1967 (+2) 161 (+0) 182
2023-01-09 1965 (+0) 161 (+0) 183
2023-01-08 1965 (+6) 161 (+0) 184
2023-01-07 1959 (+1) 161 (+0) 185
2023-01-06 1958 (+4) 161 (+0) 186
2023-01-05 1954 (+2) 161 (+2) 187
2023-01-04 1952 (+3) 159 (+0) 188
2023-01-03 1949 (+7) 159 (+0) 189
2023-01-02 1942 (+0) 159 (+0) 190
2023-01-01 1942 (+0) 159 (+0) 191
2022-12-31 1942 (+1) 159 (+0) 192
2022-12-30 1941 (+0) 159 (+0) 193
2022-12-29 1941 (+0) 159 (+0) 194
2022-12-28 1941 (+0) 159 (+0) 195
2022-12-27 1941 (+3) 159 (+0) 196
2022-12-26 1938 (+0) 159 (+0) 197
2022-12-25 1938 (+0) 159 (+0) 198
2022-12-24 1938 (+1) 159 (+-3) 199
2022-12-23 1937 (+2) 162 (+0) 200
2022-12-22 1935 (+4) 162 (+2) 201
2022-12-21 1931 (+1) 160 (+0) 202
2022-12-20 1930 (+0) 160 (+0) 203
2022-12-19 1930 (+1) 160 (+2) 204
2022-12-18 1929 (+1) 158 (+0) 205
2022-12-17 1928 (+1) 158 (+0) 206
2022-12-16 1927 (+0) 158 (+0) 207
2022-12-15 1927 (+0) 158 (+0) 208
2022-12-14 1927 (+0) 158 (+0) 209
2022-12-13 1927 (+0) 158 (+0) 210
2022-12-12 1927 (+0) 158 (+0) 211
2022-12-11 1927 (+3) 158 (+2) 212
2022-12-10 1924 (+1) 156 (+0) 213
2022-12-09 1923 (+0) 156 (+0) 214
2022-12-08 1923 (+0) 156 (+0) 215
2022-12-07 1923 (+5) 156 (+0) 216
2022-12-06 1918 (+1) 156 (+0) 217
2022-12-05 1917 (+2) 156 (+0) 218
2022-12-04 1915 (+0) 156 (+0) 219
2022-12-03 1915 (+1) 156 (+0) 220
2022-12-02 1914 (+0) 156 (+1) 221
2022-12-01 1914 (+1) 155 (+1) 222
2022-11-30 1913 (+3) 154 (+0) 223
2022-11-29 1910 (+6) 154 (+0) 224
2022-11-28 1904 (+1) 154 (+0) 225
2022-11-27 1903 (+1) 154 (+0) 226
2022-11-26 1902 (+0) 154 (+0) 227
2022-11-25 1902 (+2) 154 (+0) 228
2022-11-24 1900 (+0) 154 (+0) 229
2022-11-23 1900 (+1) 154 (+0) 230
2022-11-22 1899 (+0) 154 (+0) 231
2022-11-21 1899 (+1) 154 (+0) 232
2022-11-20 1898 (+1) 154 (+0) 233
2022-11-19 1897 (+1) 154 (+0) 234
2022-11-18 1896 (+0) 154 (+0) 235
2022-11-17 1896 154 236