LEGO Ideas project: OUTER WILDS
2023-12-22 12:33:45
Tracked by us since:
2023-12-23 09:59:11
Staff pick:
10,000 (+89)
541 (+53)
Days left:
Project's age (days):
Lifetime average votes per day:
Average votes per day since we track data:
Next milestone:
All milestones reached
Votes remaining to 10k votes goal:
Days needed to reach the next goal at current rate:
Votes per day needed to reach the next goal:
Today's votes compared to average:
See it on LEGO® Ideas
Total support rating
This project's support is in the top 2% of all projects.
2,618 projects have fewer supporters than it does.
Support growth rating
This project's support growth is in the top 2% of all projects.
2,617 projects grow at lower rate than it does.
Total comments rating
This project's comments number is in the top 2% of all projects.
2,606 projects have fewer comments than it does.
Days left rating
This project's days left number is in the top 2% of all projects.
2,615 projects have fewer days left than it does.
Total votes and comments (last 30 days)
Total votes by month
New votes per day (last 30 days)
Full data
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Date Supporters Comments Days left
2024-02-09 10000 (+482) 541 (+53) 741
2024-02-08 9518 (+89) 488 (+2) 742
2024-02-07 9429 (+80) 486 (+5) 743
2024-02-06 9349 (+103) 481 (+56) 744
2024-02-05 9246 (+109) 425 (+3) 745
2024-02-04 9137 (+103) 422 (+3) 746
2024-02-03 9034 (+91) 419 (+7) 747
2024-02-02 8943 (+110) 412 (+1) 748
2024-02-01 8833 (+114) 411 (+1) 749
2024-01-31 8719 (+96) 410 (+0) 750
2024-01-30 8623 (+103) 410 (+2) 751
2024-01-29 8520 (+113) 408 (+1) 752
2024-01-28 8407 (+85) 407 (+1) 753
2024-01-27 8322 (+121) 406 (+4) 754
2024-01-26 8201 (+92) 402 (+2) 755
2024-01-25 8109 (+154) 400 (+6) 756
2024-01-24 7955 (+115) 394 (+2) 757
2024-01-23 7840 (+136) 392 (+3) 758
2024-01-22 7704 (+189) 389 (+0) 759
2024-01-21 7515 (+46) 389 (+2) 760
2024-01-20 7469 (+162) 387 (+42) 761
2024-01-19 7307 (+109) 345 (+2) 762
2024-01-18 7198 (+149) 343 (+6) 763
2024-01-17 7049 (+166) 337 (+10) 764
2024-01-16 6883 (+328) 327 (+3) 765
2024-01-15 6555 (+699) 324 (+20) 766
2024-01-14 5856 (+1563) 304 (+83) 767
2024-01-13 4293 (+1307) 221 (+27) 768
2024-01-12 2986 (+65) 194 (+3) 769
2024-01-11 2921 (+85) 191 (+4) 770
2024-01-10 2836 (+78) 187 (+39) 771
2024-01-09 2758 (+211) 148 (+3) 772
2024-01-08 2547 (+125) 145 (+4) 773
2024-01-07 2422 (+164) 141 (+3) 774
2024-01-06 2258 (+195) 138 (+17) 775
2024-01-05 2063 (+80) 121 (+3) 776
2024-01-04 1983 (+49) 118 (+1) 777
2024-01-03 1934 (+60) 117 (+1) 778
2024-01-02 1874 (+45) 116 (+1) 779
2024-01-01 1829 (+53) 115 (+1) 780
2023-12-31 1776 (+54) 114 (+12) 781
2023-12-30 1722 (+53) 102 (+3) 782
2023-12-29 1669 (+62) 99 (+0) 783
2023-12-28 1607 (+63) 99 (+1) 784
2023-12-27 1544 (+102) 98 (+0) 785
2023-12-26 1442 (+80) 98 (+5) 786
2023-12-25 1362 (+176) 93 (+7) 787
2023-12-24 1186 (+824) 86 (+34) 788
2023-12-23 362 52 789