LEGO Ideas project: SAWMILL
Staff pick
2024-08-15 10:29:20
Tracked by us since:
2024-08-15 14:49:36
10,000 +165
226 +24
Days left:
Project's age (days):
Lifetime average votes per day:
Average votes per day since we track data:
Next milestone:
All milestones reached
Votes remaining to 10k votes goal:
Days needed to reach the next goal at current rate:
Votes per day needed to reach the next goal:
Today's votes compared to average:
See it on LEGO® Ideas
Total support rating
This project's support is in the top 1% of all projects.
2,566 projects have fewer supporters than it does.
Support growth rating
This project's support growth is in the top 1% of all projects.
2,562 projects grow at lower rate than it does.
Total comments rating
This project's comments number is in the top 7% of all projects.
2,415 projects have fewer comments than it does.
Days left rating
This project's days left number is in the top 1% of all projects.
2,562 projects have fewer days left than it does.
Project milestones
  1. >
    Submission accepted
  2. 100 supporters
  3. 1,000 supporters
  4. 5,000 supporters
  5. 10,000 supporters
  6. In review
  7. Accepted
  8. Released
Total votes and comments (last 30 days):
Total votes by month (last 2 years):
New votes per day (last 30 days):
Full data:
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Date Supporters Comments Days left
Date Supporters Comments Days left
2024-10-09 10000 (+58) 226 (+24) 735
2024-10-08 9942 (+165) 202 (+1) 736
2024-10-07 9777 (+321) 201 (+8) 737
2024-10-06 9456 (+340) 193 (+4) 738
2024-10-05 9116 (+486) 189 (+7) 739
2024-10-04 8630 (+47) 182 (+-1) 740
2024-10-03 8583 (+237) 183 (+7) 741
2024-10-02 8346 (+80) 176 (+3) 742
2024-10-01 8266 (+58) 173 (+0) 743
2024-09-30 8208 (+96) 173 (+2) 744
2024-09-29 8112 (+74) 171 (+2) 745
2024-09-28 8038 (+94) 169 (+1) 746
2024-09-27 7944 (+410) 168 (+13) 747
2024-09-26 7534 (+117) 155 (+1) 748
2024-09-25 7417 (+154) 154 (+1) 749
2024-09-24 7263 (+324) 153 (+4) 750
2024-09-23 6939 (+580) 149 (+6) 751
2024-09-22 6359 (+1282) 143 (+4) 752
2024-09-21 5077 (+127) 139 (+7) 753
2024-09-20 4950 (+206) 132 (+0) 754
2024-09-19 4744 (+319) 132 (+7) 755
2024-09-18 4425 (+1266) 125 (+22) 756
2024-09-16 3159 (+28) 103 (+2) 758
2024-09-15 3131 (+23) 101 (+1) 759
2024-09-14 3108 (+26) 100 (+0) 760
2024-09-13 3082 (+30) 100 (+1) 761
2024-09-12 3052 (+25) 99 (+0) 762
2024-09-11 3027 (+36) 99 (+2) 763
2024-09-10 2991 (+38) 97 (+0) 764
2024-09-09 2953 (+36) 97 (+2) 765
2024-09-08 2917 (+48) 95 (+0) 766
2024-09-07 2869 (+28) 95 (+1) 767
2024-09-06 2841 (+26) 94 (+0) 768
2024-09-05 2815 (+30) 94 (+0) 769
2024-09-04 2785 (+52) 94 (+1) 770
2024-09-03 2733 (+36) 93 (+1) 771
2024-09-02 2697 (+35) 92 (+0) 772
2024-09-01 2662 (+39) 92 (+1) 773
2024-08-31 2623 (+32) 91 (+0) 774
2024-08-30 2591 (+39) 91 (+2) 775
2024-08-29 2552 (+33) 89 (+1) 776
2024-08-28 2519 (+30) 88 (+0) 777
2024-08-27 2489 (+110) 88 (+4) 778
2024-08-26 2379 (+62) 84 (+3) 779
2024-08-25 2317 (+167) 81 (+9) 780
2024-08-23 2150 (+167) 72 (+18) 782
2024-08-22 1983 (+33) 54 (+0) 783
2024-08-21 1950 (+51) 54 (+1) 784
2024-08-20 1899 (+71) 53 (+2) 785
2024-08-19 1828 (+133) 51 (+2) 786
2024-08-18 1695 (+220) 49 (+4) 787
2024-08-17 1475 (+459) 45 (+16) 788
2024-08-16 1016 (+998) 29 (+24) 789
2024-08-15 18 5 790