It's simple: once a day we record statistics of every single project at the LEGO® Ideas website. By building a day-by-day history of changes in a project's statistics, we are able to show you how this project is doing and make some theoretical predictions about its continued growth (or the lack of it). Keep in mind that any predictions are based purely on statistics and may very well be wrong - the number of future votes depends on you and you alone.)

Again, it's simple. For any project we track you can follow the timeline of changes to the number of votes and comments it got, as well as many other data points. The goal is to allow you to estimate how a given project is doing: does it need a support? Is your support campaign affecting it? Is it worth your support in the first place? These are crucial questions that allow you to use your support and organize your support campaign in the most efficient way possible. In the end, it's just not feasible to support every LEGO Ideas project there is, and it's a simple fact that projects have to compete against one another.

The difference is very subtle but meaningful: the LEGO Ideas website shows full stats of a project only to its owner. We, on the other hand, keep data of every tracked project public. We believe in transparency of such data, and we aim to help make competing against other projects more transparent this way. There is nothing wrong in seeing how your rivals are doing, is there?

We get our data off the LEGO Ideas website. There are no secret data sources, no stuff pulled from somewhere funny - what you can see here is exactly what you can see on that website yourself. The daily data is then stored in our own database, so that we can ensure that it's preserved and untampered with, and then it's used for analysis and made public.

The fastest way is to type the project's name into the search bar on top of this page, hit Enter and check project's stats. You'll want to keep an eye especially on the Statistics section: this is where we estimate how long a project needs to hit the next milestone at the current rate of gathering votes, and whether it's going to achieve that before it expires or not. Please keep in mind that these are purely statistical estimations based on current voting rate of that project, so we can't guarantee its accuracy. Voting rates assume that a project gets equal number of votes every day, and that's something that just doesn't happen in real life. In the end, it all comes down to the voters.

No, we are not. is built and operated entirely privately and supported out of our own pockets.

About us

Ideas Tracker was created by AFOLs for AFOLs. We are strong believers that the LEGO® Ideas programme offers enormous potential to all LEGO fans, but it's a potential that needs to be used well. Whether you're a project author or a supporter of someone else's project, you deserve to know how that project is performing and what are its chances of getting to the finish line. And while the LEGO® Ideas website offers many great features, the statistics of a project are only available to its author.

We are strong supporters of data transparency and we wanted to make the LEGO® Ideas a little more transparent. To that end, we have developed our own solution that can track daily changes in growth of every single project that's currently gathering support on the LEGO® ideas website. You're looking at it right now :)

Ideas Tracker is by definition a passion project, and as such it is offered on a 'free for all' basis, without serving ads, tracking visitors or requiring them to log in.

You're welcome!